
CAD stands for computer aided design. It is a tool for creating virtual models of 3-dimensional objects. By manipulating and intersecting simple geometric shapes you can make virtually any object you can envision.

We will use TinkerCAD to design 3D models. Watch this video to learn about navigating and using TinkerCAD. Then practice using the tools by completing the TinkerCAD Basics tutorials linked below.

After you have learned the TinkerCAD interface, you will make virtual models of a button and a game die. Lastly you will make a customized ring that we will print using the 3D printer. Watch this video to learn how a 3D printer works.


Use your FCS Google account to sign in to TinkerCAD (click on “more providers” in the sign in window).

  1. TinkerCAD Basics – complete the tutorials in sequence, stop when you have finished the one called “Die on a workplane” and return to this page to continue with the next practice.
  2. Make a button in the shape of either a Teddy Bear or a Bat (choose one).
  3. Make a game die and a chess pawn in Project Ignite. Use the code 42OO-B4GF to join our classroom in Project Ignite. Complete the first two lessons in the project called “Making Everyday Objects, Part 2.”


Complete the third lesson in “Making Everyday Objects, Part 2” on Project Ignite called “Create Your Own Monogrammed Ring.” Once you have created your ring we will print it.


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